An E-learning Demo on Diversity at the Workplace

How We Approach the Topic

Diversity at the workplace

A workplace that celebrates diversity attracts the best talents in the house.  It is believed that good companies celebrate differences in the workplace. While working on this demo, we delve into the heart of diversity with purpose and consider the local context of this topic. Our team works together to give the best experience to end users by:

  • Embracing a spectrum of diversity
  • Incorporating localisation
  • Using engaging and interactive approaches

Embracing a Spectrum of Diversity

Different types of diversity

It is crucial to have inclusive representation by acknowledging as much diversity of our local context for this topic. For this demo, we incorporate a spectrum of diversity such as society, tradition, culture, race, gender, and preferences.

diversity at the park

We break down barriers and create environments where everyone is interacting harmoniously despite their differences. For example, we present people of all ages and abilities engage in shared activities in the park. This vibrant animation captures the rich diversity in our country.

Incorporating Localisation

Localisation of Malaysia’s LRT transport system

When tailoring the learning content to the local context, we consider the local context when designing a relevant backdrop to engage the targeted end users from Malaysia. The design could capture attention, foster engagement, and create a learning experience that resonates authentically with the daily lives of the Malaysian audience.

Using Engaging and Interactive Approach

Interactive avatar as a virtual tutor

Users will have a virtual instructor that takes center stage in presenting the content effectively. We note that learning virtually should be captivating and the interactive avatar can provide an interactive experience to the users’ online learning. 

Interactive case study with debrief

We showcase relevant scenarios of handling diversity at the workplace. Users will see the outcomes of their choices. Then, a debrief is given for further explanation. This constructive feedback motivates users to continue their learning despite being right or wrong.

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