About Us

Get to know Content Tree

Our Vision

Provide a state-of-the-art e-learning technology and build effective and engaging e-learning content. 

Our Mission


To lead in the development and delivery of innovative digital learning content and experiences.


To build the capacity of corporate L&D and system leaders for the purposeful integration of teaching and learning with technology.

What We Do

Who we are...

Content Tree Sdn Bhd, formerly known as Cempaka Technology Sdn Bhd (CemTech), is headed by experienced professionals Liang Ee Hang, Benjamin Low, and Ong Bee Bee and supported by a group of dedicated graphic designers, animators, instructional designers and education professionals with a vast experience in the e-learning industry. 

Content Tree also has a long-term partnership with German’s leading LMS provider – IMC AG, headquarters in Saarbrücken since 2014.

We provide innovative IT e-learning solutions for a wide spectrum of clients ranging from small medium industries to corporate organisations.

Our activities include providing consultations for e-learning solutions and trainings as well as organising professional management or advanced technical trainings for our clients. Our areas of expertise are:

Our Prospects

We completed & handled past projects worldwide in different industries. 

Financial Institutions

Commercial banks, investment banks, insurance companies, and brokerage firms

F&B Industries

Franchising cafes or restaurants in multiple states or countries

Services & Hospitality

Hotels, private or government hospital, and PLUS highway


Manufacturing of various industries that engage a large scale of labor and complicated management system

Multi Level Marketing (MLM)

For example, Amway, an MLM company that covers a wide range of products and complicated commission payout system

Multinational Company (MNC)

International branding or multiple subsidiaries across countries

Our Partners

Sounds interesting?

We rewrite learning to achieve your organisation’s success. Let’s discuss!