While working on the e-learning demo on sexual harassment in Rise 360, we were careful and deal the topic with sensitivity and respect for any potential triggers to the end users of the module. Our team brainstorms on the topic and proposed a laid-back strategy using a cartoon character instead of a real person character to demonstrate the different types of sexual harassment indirectly to the audience.
For the storytelling approach, we considered the option of whether to use Rise 360 and Storyline 360. In the end, we decided to showcase storytelling in Rise 360 for a simpler yet effective way of presenting this sensitive topic. In this topic, a character is used to showcase his actions of performing different types of sexual harassment. This approach presents this topic in a less threatening manner to the audience.
Besides that, storytelling can increase engagement, personalisation, memory retention, emotional connection, and contextualisation to any topics besides sexual harassment. It is one of the most effective approaches for learner’s effective learning experience.
Use clear and easy wording
Furthermore, the e-learning demo on sexual harassment uses clear and easy wording so users can capture the information easily. Our Instructional Designers work with the document filled with jargons to better present them in layman terms.
In this example, we highlight the negative impacts of sexual harassment in the workplace where the character is being confronted by his boss for the misconduct. The e-learning demo on sexual harassment also shows the character’s realisation that others were not comfortable with the sexual harassment. One of the scenarios shows the act of filing complaints which in the end affected Adam’s work and reputation. Also, this module encourages others to report sexual harassment. It creates awareness on the different types of sexual harassment that can be reported to the higher management.
Another approach that we use is flashback to recap the character’s misconduct to better remember the explanations on the different types of sexual harassment. This approach can help in learner’s memory retention to remember information better.